The largest cybersecurity competition for young women in the Middle East, SHEHacks aims to raise awareness about information security and empower participants through skill-building opportunities and real-world experience.
Unlock Your Potential in Cybersecurity with SHEHacks: Experience Real-World Challenges, Win Prizes, and Discover Job Opportunities.

In an initiative by Green Circle to empower women in cybersecurity, we are excited to announce the launch of the first-ever SHEHacks competition in the Middle East. Building on the success of our previous cybersecurity hackathons, we are now focusing on encouraging and developing female talent in this critical field.  In collaboration with the Jordan Design and Development Bureau (JODDB) Headquarters,  SHEHacks aims to inspire young women who are passionate about cyber and information security. Our objective is to support the next generation of female cybersecurity professionals, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the industry. Additionally, participants will have the chance to secure job offers and employment opportunities,

Meet Our Patron

The Honorable Harry Verweij
Dutch Ambassador in Amman

We are honored to have Harry Verweij, the Netherlands Ambassador to Jordan, as the patron of SHEHacks. His support highlights the importance of empowering young women in cybersecurity. Ambassador Verweij’s commitment to innovation and talent aligns with our mission to inspire and develop the next generation of female cybersecurity professionals, creating significant opportunities for women in Jordan and beyond.

About SHEHacks
SHEHacks is a competition designed to empower young women and foster gender diversity in the field of cybersecurity. This project is inspired by Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions, where participants engage in solving security-related challenges to uncover hidden data, known as "flags." The competition will test and enhance participants’ skills in various areas, including encryption, reverse engineering, web application and server penetration, and binary exploitation.

SHEHacks, Aim To
Encourage young women to pursue careers in cybersecurity.
Provide hands-on experience and specialized training.
Enhance problem-solving and technical skills.
To create a network of young women in tech for ongoing support and collaboration.
To facilitate career opportunities and professional development.

The competition is exclusively open to young women who meet the following criteria:
• Must have a desire to learn about information security.
• Participants can be from inside or outside the Kingdom.
• Participants should be between the ages of 17 and 30 years.

Competition Challenges

Participants will learn and apply encryption principles, identify and exploit weaknesses in flawed implementations, and enhance their skills in data security. The challenge aims to deepen their understanding of protecting sensitive information using various encryption techniques.

Web Exploitation/ Penetration

Websites all around the world are programmed using various programming languages. While there are specific vulnerabilities in each programming language that the developer should be aware of, there are issues fundamental to the internet that can show up regardless of the chosen language or framework.

Binary Exploitation

In this challenge players will be asked to find a vulnerability (Binaries, or executables) in the program and exploit it to gain control of a shell in order to modify the program's functions.

Reverse Engineering

In this challenge the players will be required to take a compiled (machine code, bytecode) program and convert it back into a more human readable format. Very often the goal of a reverse engineering challenge is to understand the functionality of a given program such that you can identify deeper issues.

Get to know the Organizer

Green Circle for Cyber solutions (GRCICO) is a Jordanian company, founded in 2017 by Mohammad Al-Khudari, specialized in cyber security. Green Circle is an innovative and professional organization that partners with top product vendors and partners with the aim to provide the market with the most efficient solutions in handling and managing any related topic to cyber security.

Green Circle team consists of many technical professionals and engineers with in depth experience and knowledge in the majors of cyber or information security, Risk Management, Compliance, SOC management and so on.


We are looking forward to hearing from you to apply to our competition and be apart of it, and hope the competition will provide you with the needed professional growth while also ensuring you are having fun, doing the things you are passionate about

Good Luck to you all, and may the best win